Fear Street Triology 2021 Review and Ranking – Netflix Trending Horror Movie

Fear Street – Netflix Trending Movie

Hello everyone and welcome to a very special episode of lost in the real it has been three weeks and Netflix has provided us with three separate films that make up the fear street trilogy. I hadn’t anticipated what a hit these movies would be and that they would capture the zeitgeist as much as they have. I honestly like all three of these films of which include part 1 1994, part 2 1978 and finally part 3 1666 without giving away any spoilers I am going to be ranking and reviewing all three fear street films. So, let’s do it.

My least favorite film of the trilogy and I know it’s going to be a controversial pick is fear street part 2 1978. In this instalment we are flown to the 70s to hear the story of how cberman survived the evil witch at summer camp all of those years ago. The witch has possessed a camp counselor who racks up a pretty serious body count throughout the run time. All the while our heroine from the first instalment Dina listens closely as she tries to figure out a way to save her girlfriend Sam and stop the shadyside curse.

If you are looking for Advantages and Disadvantages of Dating Sites: Click here

Now I know that this movie has been pretty much universally loved more than the first and I totally understand why it hones in on all of the homages to horror of the past and really out of all of these movies it is the one that is the most self-aware of what it actually is. But out of all three of the fear street instalments I connected with its story and characters the least unfortunately.

As with the first film in this trilogy fear street 1978 is a joyous celebration of nostalgia and another decade of horror. Director Lee Yaniak and her co-writer Zack Alkiewicz have taken the classics from the beloved slasher genre like right at the 13th in sleep away camp and given it a modern twist. Our two leads here sadie sink and emily rudd as the berman sisters are both extremely charismatic and carry the film with ease. But they are never given the character development that breakout star kiana Madeira’s Deena had in the first luckily Madeira still has her part to play in this movie.

I never connected with these characters in the way that I did in part one the fact that the movie is also a story being told and we basically know what happens from the very beginning despite a plot twist at the end also lowers the stakes significantly. the other issue that I have with fear street 1978 is that I don’t believe that the story being told ever comes to a satisfying conclusion or that its finale makes much sense at all. I understand that it’s a silly horror film but the way it all plays out is still absolutely incredulous and I will talk about this more in detail in a bit.

However I do think that the filmmakers have upped the ante with everything else from the first the kills are gruesome and glorious. The classic 70s music adds so much flair the body count has at least doubled, the direction is even more kinetic and the jump scares are far more plentiful. Although it doesn’t add up to much more than a slick and ridiculous roller coaster ride that does not take away from the amount of fun that is to be had here. So I will be giving fear street part 2 1978 three rl steins out of five. I think that this part has many of the issues that the middle film in a trilogy tends to have and I really yearn to care for these characters more.

But it is still a lovely celebration of nostalgia that will keep audiences craving more. next up is going to be my second favorite film from the trilogy and this one will definitely hold a special place in my heart because it is the one that started it all that is of course fear street part 1 1994. In 1994 we meet Dina who will end up being our lead protagonist of the series. She has just recently broken up with her closeted girlfriend Sam who has now moved to neighboring and competing town Sunnyvale. After an incident that ends up leaving Sam in the hospital.

Our ragtag group of friends begin to realize that they are being stalked by killers because they have disturbed the grave of Sarah fear. The witch who has cursed their town of Shadyside. There’s something about part one that really hits close to home for me and maybe that’s because I’m a child of the 90s I don’t know. I was just taken aback by how much fun I had while watching this film. As I said before these movies really feel like a celebration of the horror genre and the nostalgia we get when we think back to the classics and although derivative fear street part 1 is not trying to replicate it is paying homage whilst giving us a story that feels fresh and new.

I think what makes this instalment work better for me is the involvement of Kiana madeira in a leading role capacity as Dina the young actress has it all for me and she creates a fully fleshed out character here that I empathized with and cared for the script does take off a lot of tropes throughout its run time including with its cast of characters. But Madeira was able to elevate what she was given and gave Dina the gravitas she needed to become a character we would want to follow throughout these three films.

I also was taken aback and appreciated the relationship between her and her girlfriend Sam it’s very rare we get to see an lgbtq romantic relationship take center stage in movies like this especially in the horror genre. I also think Madeira’s chemistry with Olivia scott welch was fantastic. I wasn’t too impressed with welch in amazon prime series panic but I think she is very good here and I thought the way in which the two blossomed and grew together during this movie was all handled very maturely and I also loved Benjamin Flores jr as Dina’s brother josh who is given a really interesting story arc and adds this bit of childlike wonder to the movie that I appreciated.

I don’t necessarily think part one is all that scary but I never thought that these first two instalments were actually trying to be and I know many people had a problem with this movie for thinking that it was basically a teeny bopper horror and I understand that criticism completely because the film does teeter on the edge of teen melodrama a bit too much but I thought the kills that we got were great the tension was through the roof and the jump scares were mostly effective. Lee Anika was able to show off for the first time here and proves it throughout all three films what an assured vision she had for this trilogy. So I will be giving fear street part 1 1994 3.5 rl steins out of 5.

I think part 1 really rides on the laurels of its cast who all create such captivating characters that you want to continue this ride with. Although it’s less of an effective all-out horror film than 1978. I had a bit more of a fun time with this instalment because I connected with the characters more and the stakes felt much more real. so of course that means my number one my favorite movie of the trilogy is fear street part 3 1666 and I am so intrigued to see what people’s thoughts on this final part are because it is so wildly different from the other two instalments in part three we are flung all the way to the year 1666 as Dina has a vision of what happened to Sarah fear all of those years ago.

I will not go into too much detail as I wouldn’t dare give anything away for those of you who have not yet seen it but Dina uses what she learns in her vision to try and stop the witch’s curse once and for all. like I said fear street part 3 1666 is wildly different from the first two instalments of this trilogy and I have a feeling some are going to like this one the least because many of the things that people latched onto with this series are noticeably absent here first and foremost 1666 is completely missing that feeling of nostalgia that made the first two so fun.

Although the movie is still paying homage to the genre it is much less apparent here. we don’t have the head banging soundtrack of classic music the slasher tropes are pretty much gone and the overall fun and silly factor that made the first two so watchable has been replaced by a much darker more sinister tone .at first it didn’t necessarily work for me because it almost felt like we were seeing our cast play dress-up in a period setting but once I settled into this altogether different atmosphere I was shocked at how effective 1666 really was.

I still wouldn’t call this film scary but out of all three this is the one that is going to make you want to keep the lights on .there is something about the way this story progresses how it starts to creep up and get under your skin that I found to work on a level that the other two did not .1666 is unnerving and unsettling in the best way possible and there are some standout scenes here that belong in the best of the genre. it is also a blast to see the whole cast return playing different characters as Dina is seeing everything from Sarah fear’s point of view but has replaced everyone from her life as surrogates .

This was an ingenious decision to really bring all three films full circle and make them feel like a complete hole .madeira is once again outstanding and leads the pack with a convicted performance tinged with disorientation and exasperation .Ashley Zuckerman is also given much more time to shine and takes full advantage of his new role here and as much as I love the soundtrack of classics in the first two parts I never miss them as the score by Marco beltrami and anna drewbik is stupendous.

It adds to the anxiety and paranoia of the film and really elevates everything to the next level. Yaniak also completely comes into her own here as she is not aided with the era flourishes that she was in the first two films .part 3 has a scaled back bare bones aesthetic that makes it stand on its own and allows the gorgeous cinematography to take the spotlight. After these three films I can’t help but feel like yaniak has a bright future ahead of her. Lastly what makes fear street part 3 16 66 the best of the trilogy is how it ties everything together.

After watching this instalment you can see how meticulously planned these movies actually were aspects of the story that didn’t make sense. in the first two parts are actually explained in this movie and make me appreciate the other two even more and just as I thought 1666 was taking itself a little too seriously and not embracing the nostalgia and fun we had come to expect from this series it takes a complete 180 and gives you everything you would want to finish out a genre exercise like this. I’m honestly just so utterly shocked how brilliantly they were able to connect all three of these movies together into a cohesive and fulfilling hole.

So I will be giving fear street part 3 1666 3.75 r.l steins out of 5. not only is this the most psychologically terrifying of the three movies this is the most satisfying in the way that it is able to conclude the trilogy. Part 3 is incredibly ingenious for so many reasons and although a little too self-serious at first it is an absolute joy to watch. Netflix has really outdone themselves with this fierce 3 trilogy in my opinion.

I think this was such an intriguing idea to take three interconnected films all with a bit of a different style and tone and to release them each a week apart. what is most surprising and what greatly pleases me to say is that not only were they able to pull it off but they really hit it out of the park and I hope we get to see more refreshing experiments like this from Netflix and other studios in the future.

How To Say Goodnight: 11 Ways To Improve Your Sleep

How To Say Goodnight: 11 Ways To Improve Your Sleep

Sleep is undoubtedly important for your well-being, yet we don’t always sleep well, sometimes due to physiological problems, often though resulting from the sheer level of distraction that we are exposed to every day.

Some conventional advice to get better sleep is:
1. Keep the room in complete darkness.
2. Reduce blue light from your computer before you sleep (inhibits melatonin production in our brain after dark).
3. Use apps to improve your sleep experience. For example, f.lux turns the computer screen orange after sunset.

When I thought about the ways that help me get better sleep, I realized there are three different categories of advice.

  1. Install good habits and routines.

Fall asleep the same time every day, sleep the same amount of hours and wake up at the same time.

Suggestions in this category aim to get your body and mind into a habit of sleeping. Habits assert themselves in a strong way – as everyone who wants to lose vices is all too painfully aware of. Once installed, habits turn into automatically executed patterns, so the key to good sleep could be getting the body and mind used to a constant sleep-wake cycle.

  1. Drugs and medication.

Clearly, sleep has a physiological component. That is what you help along with drugs.

  1. Tiring yourself out over the day.

Focussing on your work, sports and physical activity before sleep, sex… when you are really tired, you can sleep like a baby.

Here are my 11 methods for improving your sleep quality.

Sunrise on the beach

#1 – Figure out how long you sleep without an alarm clock.

Record the times you go to bed and wake up without an alarm clock for 1 – 2 weeks.

This will give you an average of how much sleep your body really needs. Without an alarm clock, I am sleeping close to seven hours – so that’s my ideal amount of sleep.

I can do with less than that if I have an alarm clock, but after 5 – 6 days on six hours of sleep, for example, I need to sleep longer than 7 hours to catch up on lost sleep.

#2 – Figure out the best times to fall asleep and to wake up

This is also hugely important.

I used to think I was an evening person, yet I now have a much better time getting up early. What changed my behaviour was the requirement of waking up between 5 and 7 am in Victor Pride’s 30 Days of Discipline.

So what you do here is you try a couple of days to go to bed at various times, for example between 9 pm and 1 am and then see – ideally without an alarm clock – when you wake up the next morning.

Which time is easiest for you to fall asleep? There is no use in forcing yourself to get to bed too early or to stay up too late.

#3 – Figure out the best activity before you sleep.

I would actually try out to read, use my iPad, work on my computer, listen to music, just close my eyes… and then see what gave me the best sleep quality.

Yes, several people say you should not play on your computer immediately before you sleep, but it may still work for you. No way of knowing unless you try it out yourself.

#4 – Do an evening routine – wind down the day and look forward to the next morning.

This one is especially difficult for me at times. But it’s very useful.

There are days when I am so motivated that I don’t want to sleep. I can just continue working and working and working.

Well – if there is a deadline you have to keep, or if this is the end run of a project, staying awake during the night now and then will not hurt you. But do that too often, and your screw your body up. Sooner or later you will crash.

Yet a mini version of “working through the night” happens if you go to sleep directly from working. If you don’t give yourself the time to review what you have done over the day, you are never switching off work. As a consequence, your sleep is less efficient.

In other words: the gains you get from working a bit longer in the evening are nullified by your lack of comfortable sleep. You start the next morning tired and thus work in a less efficient manner.

How do you wind down your days?

There are different ways, but I normally do the following:
1. – I write a list of daily tasks for the next day.
2. – At the evening, I review how many of my tasks I got done.
3. – I also write a few other things down: (a) What went well today. (b) What I do want to improve. (c) How I will improve. (d) Three amazing things that happened today.
4. – And based on those points, I write down the tasks for the next day (see 1.)

Such a list also has the advantage that I can set weekly goals and then track them by reviewing those days once a week. Can you get more done? Or did you have consistently “too much on your plate”? Is there one item that consistently sticks out?

I use “Day One” for journaling.

This list often gets me motivated for the next day. I go to bed with a happy feeling and can’t wait waking up for the next day.

#5 – Have something you are looking forward to the next day. E.g. a “morning routine”.

That follows basically from #4 above. When you wind down your day properly and wake up the next morning, over time it becomes part of your ritual and your body gets used to regular sleep just by force of habit.

When I have a sequence of evening routine – sleep – morning routine. Even sleep is exciting, it’s like a nap before Christmas.

#6 – Polyphasic sleep.

Some people claim that polyphasic sleep is a more natural way to sleep. In fact, people claim that a sleep schedule of several naps during the night has been the natural sleep pattern for many people before the advent of electric lighting. While the science behind multiple “nap cycles” is controversial, if you have trouble sleeping, you may just try out to sleep 30 minutes every six hours (or 20 minutes every 4 hours).

This article by Piotr Wozníak (who authors the learning resource SuperMemo) gives a great overview about polyphasic sleep.

#7 – Make your bed directly after waking up.

Always Make Your Bed

That puts a physical landmark on the transition between night and day, sleep and being awake. It gets you used to the notion that you can’t dose off over the day – you have to use the night to “get your sleep in”.

#8 – Kratom

Not all of you may have heard of that – basically, Kratom is a plant grown in Southeast Asia, the leaves of which increase your focus and happiness. Goodlookingloser has a great write-up about Kratom, and I have used it myself over the last half year, with great effects.

I also realized that this supplement makes me slightly more sleepy – I actually require 30 minutes more sleep per night while I am burning Kratom. If you have trouble sleeping, this is definitely worth a try.

#9 – Becoming present

One of the reasons that I have sometimes trouble sleeping is that there are just too many thoughts in my mind that I try to manage.

For example – while doing the dishes, I sometimes already think about the article I am writing after that.

That’s not how you get into a balanced life. Instead, you want to be present in the moment and fully focus on what you are doing right now.

If you are present in the moment, let go of things and don’t try to actively manage all the different thoughts you have, you will have an easier time “letting sleep come to you” when you are laying in bed.

I see three different ways – not mutually exclusive! – to learn to be present:
1. Meditation – Headspace has a great introductory course that takes 10 minutes out of your day – first 10 days are for free.
2. Gorilla Mindset has a whole chapter on becoming present.
3. A simple trick that I use is to write down all your thoughts over the day. That way, you can stay focused on your current task without worry about forgetting something.

#10 – Workout

If you tire yourself out physically 30 – 60 minutes before you sleep, you will sleep like a baby 😉

#11 – Focused work during the day.

If you focus the whole day, you will tire yourself out by the evening. Your body has no choice but to sleep – similar as with a workout (#10).

What helps you find good sleep?

Do you have some additional ideas?

Please comment.

Dating site-Advantages and Disadvantages of Dating Sites-Use the Site Carefully! 2021

Dating site-Advantages and Disadvantages of Dating Sites-Use the Site Carefully!

Benefits of using a dating site

Dating sites are recommended for people who don’t meet often.
The advantage of dating sites is that they can be used immediately if there is an internet environment.
In addition, there are various other merits, so there are many people who actually register.
Here are some of the benefits of using a dating site.

■ It can be used regardless of time and place The first advantage of using a dating site is the degree of freedom of time and place.
The dating site can be used not only on PCs but also on smartphones, mobile phones, and tablet devices.
If you have these communication devices and an internet environment, it is attractive that you can use it regardless of time and place.
Also, since it can be used 24 hours a day on the Internet, even busy people can easily use it.
Furthermore, since there are many sites, it is possible to register on multiple sites.
The more you register on multiple sites, the more chances you have of meeting.
The feature is that you can register on this site regardless of time or place.

■ Easy approach one of the advantages of dating sites is that you can approach them easily.
If you are not good at approaching women yourself, this is a relief.
Since the face of the other party cannot be seen on the dating site, I think that anyone can easily approach it.
Some men may not be good at talking directly to women.
On the site, I don’t talk to women suddenly, but at first I often exchange emails or WhatsApp.
You can easily approach by email or WhatsApp, so the chances of meeting the woman you want will increase.
It is also a great advantage to be able to approach easily like this.
Recommended for those who are worried about approaching women.

■ Choose a site that is easy to use If you use a dating site, you will be more likely to meet the opposite sex.
There are many merits of using the site, so it is recommended for those who do not have many encounters.
There are various sites, so choose one that is easy to use.

Disadvantages of using dating sites

There are various ways to meet people, but one way is to meet people on the Internet.
Speaking of encounters via the Internet, dating sites are still popular.
However, when using the site, it is important to understand the disadvantages as well.

■ Many malicious vendors Many people use dating sites as a means of meeting, but be careful of malicious sites when using the site.
As you can see by searching the internet, there are many dating sites on the internet.
And there are many malicious sites among them, so please be careful when registering.
If you register on such a malicious site, you may get into various troubles.
On malicious sites, we also register people who are not intended to meet, such as vendors and Sakura. Even if you interact with these vendors and Sakura, you will not be able to meet in the future.
In addition, please note that malicious vendors may send a large amount of junk mail.
In this way, it is a disadvantage that there are many malicious vendors.


■ The disadvantages of dating sites where you can’t see or see the other person’s face are that you don’t know or can’t see the other person’s face.
The criteria for choosing a partner are different for each person, but many people will judge by their appearance.
There is a way to check the other party on the site, so you may be able to see it if you devise it.
There are ways to check it, such as exchanging photos, but even if the other party sends you a photo, you cannot tell if it is genuine.
There is a possibility that the photo is on the internet, so it is a disadvantage in that sense.
In this way, one of the disadvantages is that you do not know the appearance of the other party.

■ Be careful when using dating sites have many advantages, but there are also disadvantages, so you need to be careful.
We have introduced some of the disadvantages above, but there are other possibilities.
Please be careful when using it.




Elon Musk appears to be exhausted. What are his sleeping habits? The Tesla CEO told the New York Times that he’s been logging 120-hour work weeks of late, and it’s incurring a significant injury on his health. ”It’s not been awesome, really,” Musk told the Times. “I’ve had companions stopped by who are extremely concerned.”

He even passed up a major opportunity for his own birthday this mid-year and just cut out a couple of hours from the processing plant for his Archana’s wedding.

Musk additionally said he hasn’t taken in excess of an entire week off of work since 2001 when he got malaria. In the event that Musk is genuinely working 120-hour weeks all the time, that implies his work days are at least 17 or more hours – seven days/week.

“There were times when I didn’t leave the industrial facility for three or four days – days when I went poorly,” he told the Times.

In view of Musk’s own numbers, there are just a most extreme of seven hours for each day that he’s not working. So he’s in all likelihood getting far under seven long stretches of close-eye every night.

In the US, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) prescribes all grown-ups from 18-60 years of age get no less than seven hours of sleep at night, on the grounds that getting not as much as that can set you up for “weight, diabetes, hypertension, coronary illness, stroke, visit mental trouble” and demise. Be that as it may, CDC studies propose Musk isn’t the only one out there not following the exhortation: about 33% of grown-ups in the US aren’t getting their suggested measurements of sleep.

The risks of lack of sleep

Sleep master and neuroscientist Matthew Walker, who coordinates the rest and neuroimaging lab at UC Berkeley, thinks about what an absence of rest can do to a man’s body. He routinely gives rest exhortation to the NBA, NFL, and Pixar, among others.

Walker as of late summed up his general position on napping for Business Insider: “The shorter your sleep, the shorter your life.”

That is not an overstatement – Walker’s examination recommends that routinely getting just six or seven long periods of a close eye every night can do genuine long haul harm to your wellbeing, and sometimes even kill you.

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He trusts everybody should go for somewhere in the range of seven and eight hours per night on the pad.

Walker is such an evangelist about this, that in his own particular life, he gives himself a strict eight long stretches of “sleep opportunity” every night. That implies he’s sleeping for no less than eight hours, regardless of whether he invests a segment of that energy nodding off and awakening. He says that calendar helps keep him gainful and additionally candidly and physically fit.

How getting under seven long stretches of rest influences your body and mind

In case you’re not doing enough, “you will be both dead sooner, and the nature of your life will be essentially more regrettable,” Walker revealed to Business Insider. Here’s the reason.

Lack of sleep drains stores of your “regular executioner cells,” a kind of lymphocyte (white platelet) that nix tumour and infection cells. A solitary 4-or 5-hour night of rest could bring down your body’s “characteristic executioner” cell tally by around 70 percent, Walker says. Missing rest can put your body on an intensive lesson for the constant ailment. Deficient rest has been connected to expanded cases of Alzheimer’s, corpulence, stroke, and diabetes.

An absence of rest likewise changes how insulin works in your body and how rapidly your cells ingest sugar. Following seven days of restless evenings (five or six hours), your specialist could determine you to have pre-diabetes, Walker says. That implies your glucose levels are hoisted enough that you’re on track to end up a diabetic. Long haul harm to your heart, veins, and kidneys could as of now be in movement.

Lacking sleep improves the body a rearing ground for tumour. Tiredness is presently being reprimanded for instances of colon cancer, bosom disease, and prostate malignancy.

An off-centre rest calendar may likewise offer ascent to a tumour since it makes melatonin be stifled. The World Health Organization calls night work a “plausible cancer-causing agent.”

Obviously, not every person’s body works in the very same way.

A few people – a “sleepless elite” as Walker calls them – are worked to get by on less rest and will rest only six hours, even in research centre rest conditions. Be that as it may, those fortunate people make up only a small amount of 1 percent of the populace, Walker says, and share a quality (BHLHE41) that is staggeringly uncommon.





 The main criteria of people do not just stay fit but to stay fit the healthier way without making use of animal products. This equation grew with the rise in vegan diet around the world.

It is, by all means, better to become healthy by consuming the lower risk-based diet such as the nutritious plant-based foods. This article showcases the difference between animal & plant-based protein. Also, if the plant-based proteins are can serve better than the animal protein in the long run.

  1. Tofu & Paneer

Though they are many other veggies out them to serve you with better vital supplements to the body, soy products are the richest among the proteins. The protein content varies with the manufacturing method.

There are many finger-licking recipes you can prepare with tofu and they pair for a great meal. They are a healthy substitute for dairy products. However, Paneer, on the other hand, serves as the vegetarian’s digest for a great meal starter.

2. Lentils or spinach

For vegans and vegetarians, lentils are a boon too. They are categorized with beans & legume family as they are grown in pods. There is a huge demand for them as they’re rich in potassium, protein, fibre, and more nutrients.

They can be included for lunch and dinner that add several protein calories to your body. There are many recipes you can make with lentils such as stews, curries, salads, or rice to give an extra portion of protein.

3. Chickpeas

It can be eaten hot or cold & come in plenty of varieties. There are many recipes available for chickpeas. Like lentils, they can be added to salads, curries, and stews and even roasted to serve as snacks.

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They are keto-friendly and rich in biotin, copper, niacin, folate, manganese, vitamin E, thiamine, phosphorus, and magnesium.

Peanuts are so rich in proteins as per tablespoon of peanuts constitute about 8g of proteins.

5. Almonds

Should your brain work more precise and get glowing skin by maintaining a natural PH balance. A cup of almonds constitutes about 33g of proteins. These are rich vitamin E nuts are great for your eyes too.

6. Spirulina

An alga that is blue and green contains 8g of proteins for every 2 tablespoons. Spirulina serves best for patients suffering from anemia. They have rich compounds of iron, vitamin B, B12 && even manganese.

They come in amorphous form for you can add in curries, snacks fruit juices and more.

7. Quinoa

It is staple grain-like food that constitutes high-protein. Considering this has to be cooked, there is still 8g of proteins per cup. They are rich in nutrients such as magnesium, iron, fibre, and manganese.

It is also highly versatile. You can cook them easily with pasta or veg stew or any soups. They can serve as a main course or even small snack dishes or starters.

8. Mycoprotein

A fungus-based protein that contains around 26g per cup of mycoprotein. It is categorized under mushrooms that are a high source of vitamin B12 and proteins. However, it is better to be certain of the brand you make use of as some people who are allergic to mushrooms can turn out to be allergic to fungus too.

9. Chia seeds

They are rich in fibre and cut down unwanted fat making your skin look and feel supple. It contains 2g of protein per tablespoon. For better heart health, chia seeds serve the omega 3 fatty acids.

They can be sprinkled over salads, desserts, fruit drinks or even make a pudding with oats and milk. They can be bought from online, supermarkets, stores, etc.

10. Hemp seeds

They are categorized under chia seeds but have a rich powerhouse of protein. 1 tablespoon constitute about 5g of protein. They are best bought online or from an organic store. As they have the branded and you can avail it with the right advice.

11. Beans & Rice

Together and never apart. If apart they cannot constitute the best protein. It is served in classic meals where every cup of the combination serves 7g protein.

As a side dish or curry can serve you a lot of proteins with great taste.

12. Potatoes

They are on the top for the potassium sources it contains. Further, has fibre, vitamin C and an average of 90-110 calories.

You can cook the potatoes for all types of dishes for chats, curries, salads and more recipes as found on online.

They’re fat-free and doesn’t have sodium.

13. Other veggies

Like spinach, dark coloured leafy greens are all rich in proteins. Eating the above alone won’t pump your body’s composition of protein. Snacking these veggies can increase your protein levels. Such as broccoli, kale & mushrooms too.

Making salad, snacks, baby greens form a great protein-rich meal.

14. Seitan

Seitan is wheat gluten as its’ protein value is high in vitamins and minerals.  Yet, Seitan is low in carbs and fat. Seitan is rehydrated first to bring it to the gluten stage.

15. Ezekiel bread

It is highly nutrient and is an easy and best alternative to traditional bread. Its components consist of barley, wheat, lentils, millet. For those who love sandwiches, toasts, this is the best nutritious choice.

Every slice has 4g of protein. Top it with peanut or almond butter and match up the protein kick.

Diet After Age 40 | Dietary Measures for Those Above 40 |

Diet After Age 40

Dietary Measures for those above age 40

A proper diet after age 40 is essential for keeping the body healthy and protecting it from various diseases. One diet plan may not be right for everybody. Hence a person should not get stuck to the most popular notion that, nutritious food is fat free and full of fiber and that you can eat what you want, whenever you want.

An optimal nutrition is that which prevents not only deficiencies but also promotes vibrant life and prevents degenerative diseases. But even the most nutritious diet does not guarantee a long and disease free life. Active and healthy seniors require a good balanced diet to increase their odds of staying healthy. It increases their immunity and hence helps in preventing some of the serious diseases.

An old concept of fewer intakes of calories as a person gets older, should be dismantled. The 70+ pyramid (a food guide pyramid) outlines the “nutrient dense” choices essential for the elderly consumers. This pyramid has not been adopted as an official USDA teaching tool and is just a suggestion.

Diet After Age 40

Given below are the dietary measures for the prevention and treatment of coronary artery disease, brain vessel disease (stroke), high blood pressure, diabetes, overweight, high blood cholesterol / uric acid, and for those above 40. A diet after age 40 especially advised for the prevention of cancer has also been indicated.

Tea and coffee To be taken in moderation. Tea should be light, brewed and not boiled. To be avoided in high blood uric acid cases.
Milk Skimmed milk preferred.
Sugar Low consumption of sugar advisable. Restricted for diabetic patients.
Bread Brown bread preferred.
Egg Only white portion of the egg should be taken.
Salt Should be used sparingly, 2 – 4 g per day.
Condiments and spices Permissible in moderation. Their excessive use causes stimulation of the appetite, and may cause overeating.
High fiber food Reduces the risk of heart disease and several types of cancer. Strongly recommended for the prevention of cancer. It includes:
a) whole wheat, gram, maize or similar flour (bran to be taken along with it )
b) Whole pulses.
c) Unpolished rice.
d) Plenty of vegetables – cooked or salad.
e) Porridge (dalia), cornflakes, oats, preferably with skimmed milk.
f) Roasted grams.
g) Sprouted beans, grams, peas, moong, etc. All edibles as well as sproutable legumes, grains and seeds may be used.
Cheese Chedder cheeses commonly available in tins to be avoided.
Cottage Cheese May be taken since it is prepared from skimmed milk.
Curds and yogurt Permissible, if prepared from skimmed milk.
Oils To be used in minimal necessary quantities for cooking. Polyunsaturated oils like safflower, corn, sunflower, soyabean, cottonseed oils, etc. are recommended. Oil once used for deep-frying should not be reused. A low fat diet is also useful in the prevention of cancer.
Butter / ghee 20% permissible.
Onion and garlic May be taken, particularly while using butter/ghee. They tend to lower serum cholesterol and other lipids.
Pickles May be taken sparingly as they contain excessive salt.
Meats Fish and chicken, i.e., white meats are permissible, but refrain from red meats. In high blood uric acid cases, all meats, including fish, are forbidden.
Soft drinks May be taken occasionally. Cola drinks are harmful in high blood uric acid cases. A squeeze of lime-juice added to a glass of water can be taken.
Alcoholic drinks Avoid, for prevention of cancer. However, if one drinks, one should consume alcohol only in moderation. High blood uric acid cases should abstain from alcoholic drinks.
Smoking/tobacco chewing Strictly prohibited, particularly for the prevention of cancer.
Vegetable soup Permissible.
Fruit Only low calorie fruits should be taken, e.g. apple, orange, watermelon, papaya etc.
Sweets To be generally avoided. Not advisable in cases of diabetes.
Dry fruit To be generally avoided especially cashew nuts.
Chocolate Not recommended in blood uric acid cases. Can be taken occasionally.
Ice cream Ice cream prepared from skimmed milk with a little sugar or artificial sweetener may be taken.
Cakes and pastries May be taken occasionally.
Pastry/ fast/ junk food Should be sparingly taken, as we do not know what oil, etc. is used. Home-cooked food is ideal.
Water Two to three litres of water should be taken every day. Take water either before or after meals, only if you are thirsty. Plenty of water may be taken between major meals. More water is required during the summer season.


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Other important instructions to maintain diet after age 40:
  1. It is ideal to have a low / moderate calorie diet. Do consult a calorie reckoner while planning your diet.
  2. Take light meals frequently rather than heavy meals at large intervals.
  3. Overeating should be avoided.
  4. Light tonics may be added under the advice of a physician. People with undernourished organs may suffer on account of a poor diet.
  5. Adequate fiber content in food helps in controlling constipation.
  6. Both calcium and vitamin D absorption decrease with age; this has adverse effects on bone health and increases the risk of fractures. The ability to absorb the amount of vitamin B12, needed for normal nerve function, also decreases with age, hence it should be made another key nutrient in the diet.
  7. Dehydration is a chronic problem for many seniors. Decreased thirst sensation is common with aging. Dehydration also worsens the symptoms of constipation. Adequate fluid intake should be there, though coffee, tea, and alcoholic beverages don’t contribute toward this total fluid intake. They all act as diuretics, causing loss in water content.

People who cannot tolerate regular dairy products should prefer lactose-free milk and “active culture” yogurt.

By employing the above laid principles you can improve your diet and lead a healthier and productive life. A balanced diet, in addition to exercises, forms a winning combination.

What is the most important lifestyle for anti-aging? 2021

Important Lifestyle for Anti-aging

What is the most important lifestyle for anti-aging?

Lifestyle improvement is necessary for anti-aging. In this article I will explain some areas that by maintaining these you can able to keep yourself as young as possible.

You need to work on anti-aging to maintain a youthful look. There are many thing I want to do for anti-aging, but first it is important to improve your lifestyle.

For beauty, it is important to maintain youth in the body, and for that reason, it is essential to improver daily life. The first point to improve your lifestyle is the content of your diet.

Basically, it is important to maintain balance into consideration when taking meals. If there is a bias in nutrition, nutrition for beauty will be insufficient, and as a result, oxidation, which is the enemy of anti-aging will progress. Especially for those who eat less vegetables, the nutritional balance is greatly disturbed, so it is necessary to be careful.

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However, it is quite difficult to supplement sufficient nutrition with diet alone, and there are some ingredients that cannot be sufficiently ingested from diet. Health foods and supplements are useful there. You can easily supplement nutrition, and you can also get nutrients that cannot be taken from the diet.

It will be useful as a meal support, so it is a good idea to use it. It is also important to exercise in addition to improving your lifestyle. Exercise has many benefits, but first of all, it can activate the function of cells, which makes it easier to maintain youthful skin. Furthermore, metabolism is improved, and it is possible the discharge of waste products accumulated in the body.

As a results, pores will be cleaned and skin problems will be prevented. It is also important to get a good night’s sleep for anti-aging. It activates the repair of damage cells while sleeping and activates the turnover the skin, so you can make your skin more beautiful. By the way, the time zone is important for sleep. Especially important is between 10 pm and 2 pm. It is the time when growth hormone secretion become active, and growth hormone is indispensable for maintaining youth, so you need to be aware of the time when you sleep.

YouTube vs Amazon Mini TV | How to Install and Create Account on Amazon Mini TV? 2021

YouTube vs Amazon Mini TV – Who will sustain up-to the end?

Will we able see the end of YouTube marketing very soon? Will YouTube gone? Who will beat YouTube? So many questions are coming in our mind now. Though it is something different to hear but it may be true in future. Now YouTube is the biggest platform for video streaming. Lots of creators are deeply engaged to create videos on their own topic.

YouTube is very good platform to earn money. A good amount of money can be earned through this popular website. But how long? YouTube is doing a monopoly business in its domain. No successful competitor has come still now. Now in this article I will tell about Amazon’s recent introduction, a new platform – Mini TV. Which is very much similar to YouTube.

Amazon has already announced to launch a platform like YouTube. This is Amazon Mini TV. The journey of this feature has been started from India. This is now a free service. To access Amazon prime facilities, you have to subscribe with a certain package. But this Mini TV is still a free service. You can think that already YouTube is there, so will Amazon Mini TV beat YouTube.

I can say yes. Because, you know Amazon is biggest affiliated marketing company now a day. They know well, how to incorporate in very much competitive market and how to stand them self in the front. So, here also same thing will happen. Initially they give free services and after certain time it also be a paid service.

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One question will arise in your mind that if the videos are readily available in YouTube, then why should someone have to come in Amazon then watch the videos? You can remember how Jio captured maximum telecommunication market. Initially they gave free offer for long time and after that what was the scenario we all aware of that. So to lead any market there is always a market strategy and I am very much sure Amazon is the master on that. As Amazon is now on this field, so I am sure there is good future on Mini TV that we don’t know at this moment.

What are the things may happen?

As per my prediction, one day will come when creators can share their videos at Mini TV only. And for that they will get paid. Like Zee5, Netflix they have their own content. Ads already served In Mini TV and the duration of the ad are more and non-skip able. 2-3numbers of ad are running in every videos. So from that there is no condition for the monetization.

Because from the very first day and in the first video the ads are running. There may be a fixed revenue they earning. There may be some condition that how many videos provide by the creators and based on this they are paid. But, these all are the prediction. No details information still not available.

These all facilities are now open for the popular YouTubers. For the small creators, such information still not came out. For the big YouTuber, Amazon marketing team directly contact them and do their deal. Then they decide how much have to pay per video.

How to install and create account on Amazon Mini TV app?

For this Mini TV, Amazon still doesn’t launch any mobile app. You have to open it through Amazon shopping app. After opening Amazon app, you will the Mini TV logo in the top bar. Then click on it, it can directly able to access Mini TV.  Here you can see the videos of the top creators. You can also learn from here, entertain from here.

As still no app no available in Google play store. But, I am very much sure, in future they will come with a user friendly mobile app. If you are unable to see this feature in your Amazon app, so please update this app and then you will be able to see videos through Mini TV.

This is all about Amazon Mini TV. I think after few days Amazon will disclose about this Mini TV. Thank you.

Top 10 SUV to Buy in India 2021 – A Detail Comparison Review

Top 10 SUV to Buy in India 2021 – A Detail Comparison Review

Now a day everyone wants that they should have own Sports utility vehicles (SUV). The demand of SUV in all over world rapidly increases. This type of cars are more familiar to us because of so many advantages. The first one is that it’s a family car. For a day outing this car would be the most helpful for us. Now all the company are concentrating to develop their product in so many aspects. The desired product should be specious, technologically upgraded, so many features available and with maximum safety.

There are so many brands are available in the market. There is a huge competition to sale their best product. Based on the overall performance, in this article I will explain about the top 10 SUV are competing each other in the current market. One by one I will explain what are the basic advantages are available in these cars and why should you go for that one. It would be very difficult for me to choose the best 10 SUV.

Here is the sort list of the top 10 SUV, what I have chosen-

The Hyundai Creta, The Kia Sonet, The Maruti Vitara Brezza, The Kia Seltos, The Hyundai Venue, The Tata Nexon, Jeep Compass, MG Hector, The Mahindra XUV300, Ford EcoSport.

  1. The Hyundai Creta- I will keep this car in the top list of Top 10 SUV. This is the best sailing car in 2020. I think they company also maintain this position 2021 also. Waiting period is maximum for this SUV. This car recently updated in so many areas and sharp features are also included. The recent model offer more space for five passengers. On safety point of view this model doesn’t compromise that one. Due to these reasons this car is the best choice for all.

The Key features of this SUV are –

Engine- 1353-1497 cc.

BHP – 113.42-138.08.

Mileage- 16.8-21.4 kmpl.

Boot spaces (litres) – 433.

Service cost (average of 5 years) – 3225 INR (Approx.)

Ex-Showroom price at Delhi – 9.99-17.70 Lakhs.

  1. The Kia Sonet- The second SUV in our list of Top 10 SUV is The Kia Sonet. This brand get a massive success in Indian market. This is 3rd product launched in India. The looks of this SUV is completely different from the other two. It’s stylish and sporty look make you crazy. This compact SUV is of 4 meter long and more comfortable for 5 passengers. The price is also not too high. With these unique features this is a budget car for you.

The Key features of this SUV are –

Engine- 998-1493 cc.

BHP– 81.86-118.36.

Mileage- 18.2-24.1 kmpl.

Boot spaces (litres) – 392.

Service cost (average of 5 years) – 3980 INR (Approx.)

Ex-Showroom price at Delhi – 6.79-13.35 Lakhs.

  1. The Maruti Vitara Brezza- Maruti has the maximum no of trusted customer in Indian market. Maruti is one of the brands, who provides Indian economical cars. Vitara Brezza is the most popular compact SUV from Maruti in Indian market today. This is also a high selling car now a day. This car is coming with diesel and petrol engine. The length of this compact SUV is 4 meter.

The Key features of this SUV are –

Engine- 1462 cc.


Mileage- 17.03-18.76 kmpl.

Boot spaces (litres) – 328.

Service cost (average of 5 years) – 6619 INR (Approx.)

Ex-Showroom price at Delhi – 7.51-11.41 Lakhs.

  1. The Kia Seltos- Kia incorporate in Indian market with this amazing model Kia Sletos in August 2020. Even in the 1st month of launch it breaks all the competition in the market. Day by day this mid-size SUV sales increase in highest level. The first attraction to the customer of this car was the looks. It is offered with a mixed performance and lots of features which makes it attractive offering.

The Key features of this SUV are –

Engine- 1353-1497 cc.


Mileage- 16.1-20.8 kmpl.

Boot spaces (litres) – 433.

Service cost (average of 5 years) – 4628 INR (Approx.)

Ex-Showroom price at Delhi – 9.95-17.65 Lakhs.

  1. The Hyundai Venue- This compact SUV is the first product of the Korean brand in Indian market. After launching this product it get lots of response from the customers. The company offering this car with three engine variant- one diesel and two petrol. This car is specious enough with a boot space of 350 litres for the urban family. The company is offering a perfect blend of features and quality.

The Key features of this SUV are –

Engine- 998-1498 cc.

BHP- 81.86-118.35.

Mileage- 17.52-23.70 kmpl.

Boot spaces (litres) – 350.

Service cost (average of 5 years) – 2837 INR (Approx.)

Ex-Showroom price at Delhi –6.92-11.78 Lakhs.

  1. The Tata Nexon- The Tata Nexon is offering total 31 variant in this SUV segment. This is a beautiful car with a great performance. Nexon is the safest car in India with 5 star rating. This SUV is an optimum blend of comfort, features, safety handling, boot space and performance. This car is available on both diesel and petrol variant.

The Key features of this SUV are –

Engine- 1199-1497 cc.

BHP- 108.5-118.36.

Mileage- 14.03 kmpl.

Boot spaces (litres) – 350.

Service cost (average of 5 years) – 4447 INR (Approx.)

Ex-Showroom price at Delhi – 7.19-12.95 Lakhs.

  1. The Jeep Compass- Jeep is itself a legendry name. The 2021 Jeep Compass is fully packed with advanced updates that make this SUV more premium and convenient. Lots of features added in this segment to make it convenience. This is driver’s car. On highway, even at top speed Compass stick to the road which gives you lots of confidence than any other SUV.

The Key features of this SUV are –

Engine- 1368-1956 cc.


Mileage- 14-17 kmpl.

Boot spaces (litres) – 438.

Service cost (average of 5 years) –10280 INR (Approx.)

Ex-Showroom price at Delhi –17.19-28.49 Lakhs.

  1. The MG Hector- With a refreshed look and amazing features, MG has now managed to make this SUV – MG Hector even more appealing than earlier. This is a bold, very comfortable and stylish SUV. The sun-roof of this car is just amazing. The overall interior is just awesome with best features. The new variant is coming with 18 inch alloy wheel which makes this car more beautiful than ever.

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The Key features of this SUV are –

Engine- 1451-1956 cc.

BHP- 141-167.68.

Mileage- 13.5 kmpl.

Boot spaces (litres) – 587.

Service cost (average of 5 years) – 6019 INR (Approx.)

Ex-Showroom price at Delhi – 13.17-18.85 Lakhs.

  1. The Mahindra XUV300- This SUV is coming with both petrol and diesel variant. This car is good looking, comfortable and coming with a powerful engine. This SUV is excellent value for money with 5 star rating. This car is very good and safe enough in this segment. XUV300 has a good enough legroom, very comfortable seats, powerful turbo engine and ease of driving.

The Key features of this SUV are –

Engine- 1197-1497 cc.

BHP- 108.6-115.

Mileage- 17-20 kmpl.

Boot spaces (litres) -259.

Service cost (average of 5 years) – 3680 INR (Approx.)

Ex-Showroom price at Delhi –7.95-13.09 Lakhs.

  1. The Ford EcoSport- This is the best compact SUV with all desired features and uncommon looks, which can easily beat to the upper rival segments. The Ford EcoSport is coming with great build quality, superb comfort, a smooth handling feelings, nice interior with a sufficient boot space.

The Key features of this SUV are –

Engine- 1496-1498 cc.


Mileage- 14.7-21.7 kmpl.

Boot spaces (litres) – 352.

Service cost (average of 5 years) – 3688 INR (Approx.)

Ex-Showroom price at Delhi –8.19-11.69 Lakhs.

This is all details of the top 10 SUV in India market. I think this article will help you chose the right SUV with best performance and price.

Ziona Family Mizoram | World’s Largest Family | Mizoram Complete Tour Guide 2021

Ziona Family Mizoram: A Complete Tour Guide at Mizoram

Ziona family is a popular family in Mizoram. I will explain one by all the details about these family and all the tour guide to Mizoram.

You can reach to Mizoram from Guwahati or from Silchar via Juwaii. If you are coming from Shillong then the road distance will be more. You can go up-to Juwai from Dawki by hiring a taxi or by a shared taxi. Dawki to Silchar distance is about 191 km. Juwai to Silchar you can travel via Tata Sumo also. The fare per person will be around 300-350 INR. Or else you can to Aizawl from Silchar by hiring a Tata sumo. The distance between these two places is 173 km. Fare person will take 450 INR. It is not possible to Aizawl from Dawki within a single day via road. So, for that one you need to stay one night at Silchar.

To entering at Mizoram for the foreigner, they need to follow some rules and regulation at the check post. At this check post they need to enter their name and details. If you are a foreigner then you need take FRO entry, but if for Indian Inner Line Permit (ILP) is enough to enter Mizoram. The overall process for the foreigner is very easy. If they show Passport, they got the permit. But for Indian this process is somewhat hectic.

To apply ILP they need to give one copy of photo and with this photo they need to fill a permission form and then submit to the check post. But for the foreigner, they can just enter their name by showing their passport. This part is for entering process to Mizoram. Now we will cover the places how you visit and what are the places to visit.

After reaching to Aizawl you can hire a vehicle to complete your whole tour to Mizoram. And this will be best choice for you. Without any hectic you can complete your tour. In this way overall cost will be less. The tour can be completed within 5-6 days. For hiring a vehicle you have to pay 19-20 INR per km and for driver 800 INR per day.

Aizawl to Reiek peak distance is around 30 km. And then Reiek peak to Serlui River another 6 km. The distance from Serlui River to Falkawn Ethnic village is 16 km and from there to Moonfang is about 52 km.

1st Day- On the very first day, you will first trek to Reiek peak, then cross the Serlui River and after that visit to Falkawn Ethnic village and spend the night at Moonfang. To stay at Moonfang, the government guest houses are available. Rent is 300 per room and two persons can stay in a single room.

2nd Day- After visiting Moonfang orange garden, you can visit to Ventwang Waterfall. This is the largest water in Mizoram. Next to Ventwang waterfall you will find Tuirihian waterfall. Then go to Champhai. It is not possible to reach Champhai on the same day. On the way you can stay at Saitlaw. Here also government guest houses are available.

3rd Day- As per the Guinness world record, the world’s largest family “Zionas Family” is staying at Champai. After visiting this place then you can go to Zokhawthar, which is 27 km from Champai.

After taking the permission from Zokhawthar Barder go to RIhkhadwar village. From there visit to Rih Dil lake. Which is a very beautiful lake in Mizoram.

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4th Day- On the way back from Champhai, you can visit to Saitul. 7 km from Saitul, there is another lake in Mizoram named Tamdil. Saitul has Mizoram tourism department cottage. You stay at night over there. Saitul to Aizawl journey takes around 3 hours.

5th Day- You can visit to Phawngpui national park.

This is a complete tour details for 5 days. Within these 5 days you can cover most of the popular places in Mizoram.

The places you can visit at Mizoram-

  1. Reiek Peak- The distance of Reiek peak from Aizawl is 30 km and the height of this lake is more than 5000 feet. On the way to Reiek lake, must visit to Tiawng River. The road to Reiek peak is fully covered with green trees.

2. Serlui River- It is around 6 km from Reiek peak. It is also a famous place to visit in Mizoram.

3. Falkawn Ethnic Village-  The peoples in this village still carry the memory of the former men. If you visit this place, you will be pleased to see their culture, lifestyle they maintain.

4. Hmuifang- Hmuifang is a popular hill station in Mizoram. You have to go Reiek peak to Aizawl to Hmuifang. The distance from Aizawl to Hmuifang is 50 km. Hmuifang is completely surrounded by mountains. There are lots of orange groves at Hmuifang. The people of Hmuifang are very nice. There is a government guest house to stay ta Hmuifang. Excellent environment over there you can really enjoy this place.

5. Thanzowal- Thanzowan Mizo is the centre of weaving industry. So colourful dresses are prepared here.

6. Ventwang Waterfall- It is situated 6 km away from Thanzowa. This this is largest waterfall ventang in Mizoram.

7. Turihian waterfall- It is just nearer to Ventang waterfall. You can cover this place as well.

8. Champhai- Champhai town is the district headquarters. The whole valley is completely surrounded by mountains of Myanmar. The most of the flat lands of Mizoram are in Champhai. Champhai provides all the rice for Mizoram. Champhai’s grapes are so famous here.

9. Zokhawthar villegae- This is also a famous place to visit here. It is only 27km away from Champhai. This village is situated at Mizoram broader.

10. Rih Dil Lake- After taking the permission pass from Zokhawthar Broader you can go to Rihkhawar village in Myanmar. River floating in between. Mizoram is one side of the River and other side is Myanmar. Rih Dil Lake is only 3 km from Zokhawthar Broader. This lake is situated in this village. This is so much beautiful lake.

Ziona family Mizoram

11. Tamdil lake- Tamdil lake is about 7 km from Saitul.

12. Ziona family Mizoram- The largest family in the world already break the Guinness world record is in Mizoram. The gentleman has 39 marriage. This man has 89 sons and daughters and 85 grandchildren. The most surprising thing is that they all staying all together under one roof. Staying together.

13. Phawngpui National Park- From Muifung, the Phawngpui National Park is about to 261 km.

14. Aizawl- Aizawl is the capital of Mizoram. It is a car horn free city. You can see there is a flower garden in front of every house. Aizawl is strangely beautiful city.

This is all about the Ziona family Mizoram as well a complete tour guide to Mizoram. I think these all the information will be helpful to you before planning to Ziona family Mizoram and other places to Mizoram.

Jeep Compass vs Tata Harrier vs MG Hector Top three SUVs 2021

Jeep Compass vs Tata Harrier vs MG Hector Top three SUVs 2021

The potential of SUV over hatchback and sedans in increasing quickly in Indian market. Compare to 2018 and 2019, sailing of SUV in Indian automobile market increases by 21%. Lots of reasons are there behind the gaining of the market. Not only in India, but the affections towards SUVs in on global market in high demand. Too many companies are now offering us of their best product. So it is becoming quite hard to choose the unique SUV in India.

I always prefer to SUV than hatchback or sedan because of its great looks, specious and safer. And lastly it is perfectly family car. With the minimum 6 seater facility you can easily go for an outing with your family. These SUV will give you more comfortable for a long journey and obviously safety. Definitely SUVs are more safer than hatchback or sedan.

These all are the basic details about the SUV. Why you should go for a SUV over the hatchback or sedan? Now, I will explain this main query in this article and also tell you a detail comparison of the top three SUV in Indian market. These are Jeep Compass, Tata Harrier and MG Hector.

Dimension comparison Jeep Compass vs Tata Harrier vs MG Hector:

Length, height and wheelbase wise MG Hector is longer car compare to the others two. That makes MG hector as a largest car in this segment among these three. With context to the Length, width, height and wheelbase it is clear that Jeep Compass is the lowest volume with respect to all. But this lower volume in comparison is minimal, you can’t find any major difference. A detail dimension is available for your reference.

SUVs Jeep compass Tata Harrier MG Hector


4395 mm

4598 mm

4655 mm


1818 mm

1894 mm

1835 mm


1640 mm

1706 mm

1760 mm

Wheelbase 2636 mm

2741 mm

2750 mm


Powertrains Jeep Compass vs Tata Harrier vs MG Hector:

Now coming to the powertrain, all vehicles are not same with respect to engine, power, and torque transmission. Jeep compass is more powerful with a four litre diesel engine compare to others. The diesel engine of MG Hector and Tata Harrier is coming with a maximum capacity of 170 PS, while diesel engine of Jeep Compass produces 173 PS. All the SUVs are coming with a standard 6 speed manual transmission and all the vehicles producing the same torque of 350Nm. Jeep compass and Tata Harrier gets a 9 speed torque automatic gearbox, but for MG Hector it is 6 speed torque automatic gearbox.

Car Jeep compass Tata Harrier MG Hector
Engine 2.0 – liter diesel 2.0 – liter diesel 2.0 – liter diesel
Power 173 PS 170 PS 170 PS
Torque 350 Nm 350 Nm 350 Nm
Transmission 6- speed MT, 9-speed AT 6- speed MT, 9-speed AT 6-speed MT, 9-speed AT


eep Compass vs Tata Harrier vs MG Hector

Key Features Comparison Jeep Compass vs Tata Harrier vs MG Hector:

We have already discussed on dimension and powertrain. Based on these two Jeep compass is compact and more powerful among all. After discussing other points, then we will conclude that which car is the best. Now we will discuss about the advanced features available in those SUVs.  If the more no of advanced features is available in a car, then it will attract more to the customers. The main features, what customer expect, like touch screen, sunroof, airbags, wireless connectivity, automatic climate control etc.

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Jeep Compass-

Jeep Compass is now equipped with a brand new 10.1 inch touch screen infotainment system with an UConnect 5 system. This system can be connected through android auto wireless and Apple carPlay. The other features available are Amazon support, wireless charging, ventilated front seats, powered tailgate, electric parking break, panoramic glass, 10.25 inch digital driver’s display, automatic AC connection, and 360 degree camera. These all are the features available in Jeep Compass.

MG Hector-

Top features available in MG Hector are iSmart internet connectivity, 10.4 inch touch screen infotainment with added car support, full LED lighting and dynamic turn indicator, 48V mild hybrid system, 360 degree camera, front parking system, electrically adjustable seats, powered tailgate, indoor lighting, internet control and many more.

Tata Harrier-

1st point I will tell about the touch screen. In other two variant it was 10.1 inch and 10.4 inch. But in harrier it is 8.8 inch floating infotainment screen display is installed. It can connect through Apple CarPlay and Android auto. The other unique features of Tata Harrier are IRVM auto dimming, 6 way electric driver seats flexible, panoramic glass, 9 JBL speaker connected through online, HID xenon projector headlamps and so on.

Safety parameters of top three SUVs Jeep Compass vs Tata Harrier vs MG Hector:

With respect to the safety, Jeep Compass provides ABS and EBD with brake assist, electric parking, 360 degree camera, 6 air bags, Esc, mounting aid and so on.

While for MG hector provides same as Compass 6 air bags, 360 degree camera, electric parking brake, ABS and EBD auxiliary brakes. The other safety features are TPMS, EPS, rear disc brake etc.

Tata harrier also coming with some extra safety features. Few are the common in all variants. The safety features in Harrier are 6 air bags, ABS and EBD, rear parking sensor, reverse camera for parking, mounting brackets, traction seal and electronic seal.

Which one is in the affordable range-?

Though so feature, safety and prime design provided, but ultimately price also an important factor. Now coming to the price details of these three top SUVs.  The price range for Tata harrier is in between 13.99-20.45 lakh. For MG Hector it is around 12.89-18.32 lakh. Which is slightly cheaper than Tata harrier. But for Jeep compass. Which costlier among all in 2021. The base price of Jeep Compass is 16.99 lakh and which goes to 28.29 lakh for the top variant. (The all prices available here, ex-showroom price in Delhi).

Comparison Verdict Jeep Compass vs Tata Harrier vs MG Hector:

A face to face update already received by Jeep. Church related key features are the main power of this SUV here, as well as the top quality of the transport, a better list around MG and Tata. So that it can say, everything is green and expensive and the Jeep Compass has really has no brainer.

That’s all about the three major SUVs comparison. I think this article will be helpful to you to get information about Jeep Compass vs Tata Harrier vs MG Hector.

Top 10 Cheapest Electric Cars 2021 from the Best Competitor

Cheapest Electric Cars: Day by day electric cars are getting more importance in the automobile market. Due to use of electric energy, which will not impact on the environment, so many country are now interest to boost electric vehicle (EV). With related to electric vehicle, other industries like battery manufacturer, electric goods manufacturer, car engine developer all are getting benefited. The main reason behind the global warming is the fuel based car. Due to the emission of CO2 in a large scale, the environmental temperature increasing rapidly. So, it is now time move to use of electric vehicle.

Already several government has announced on the ban on sale of new petrol, diesel and hybrid car manufacturing by 2035. So, you can understand how the government also look in to this mater to implement on 100% electric vehicle production. You don’t wait for 2035. In this article I will tell you top 12 electric vehicle. Among these you can choose your dream one.

The EV manufacturer are continuously working to developed further their product. Day by day they are able to reducing the gap between the challenges to the technology improvement. 1st they are working with battery technology. Compare to earlier now they developed battery in such a good level that now you can get a good driving range with a single charge. Not only that, now the charging time also less compare to how much you are getting benefit. Now putting these two factors, driving range and charging time, now this is a good selection to afford an electric car that will provide all the benefits of EV and time to go enough range to keep your life simple.

Here is list of Top 12 Cheapest Electric cars to buy in 2021


#2 Mini Electric

#3 Seat Mii Electric

#4 Peugeot e-208

#5 Renault Zoe

#6 Vauxhall Corsa-e

#7 Nissan Leaf

#8 Hyundai Ioniq

#9 BMW i3

#10 Kia e-Niros

  1. MG ZS EV- This car is in my top list. MG give the best EV in low price with so many features. This car is so spacious, looks awesome with panoramic sunroof, good pick up and very efficient car with respect to cost per km and driving range to charge. This is fully eco-friendly car. MG ZS EV is powered by 44.5 kWh, 394 V Li-ion battery and with 143 PS, 353 Nm electric motor. It is a family size SUV. The top variant, MG ZS EV Exclusive is coming with some extra safety features. You can definitely go for MG ZS EV.

cheapest electric car

Price range (from base variant to top variant) £28495-£30495

Driving Range of MG ZS EV – 160 miles.

If you are looking for the details about MG ZS EV : Click here

  1. Mini Electric- Mini Car is more familiar name for you. This car is a small size premium car. The iconic and with powerful battery fuses Mini electric go-kart feeling. This car can reach to the speed of 62 mph within just 7.3 seconds. The top speed of this car is 93 mph. This car take 6-7 hours for full charge and with a full charge it can go up-to 140 mile.

Price range (from base variant to top variant) £27900-£33900

Driving Range of Mini Electric – 140 miles.

  1. Seat Mii Electric- This is great car if you looking for a reasonable budget with superb comfort and good levels of equipment. Skoda citigo, VW Up and Seat Mii are all the same car. There is some minor difference in interior and exterior design. A 36.8 kWh battery and single motor is used in this car.

Price of Seat Mii Electric is £22800

Driving Range of Seat Mii Electric is 160 miles.

  1. Peugeot e-208- This EV would be the first choice of lot of people and the first car too. This brand already started launch their EV’s in the market. This e-208 will make you comfortable with its compact design, peppy take off from traffic lights and most important that its capacity towards zero emission. The maximum power of this model is 100kW/134hp. This car can accelerate up-to 0-62 mph in just 8.1 seconds.

Price range (from base variant to top variant) £28550-£32750

Driving Range of Peugeot e-208 is 210 miles.

  1. Renault Zoe- Earlier it was the cheapest car in UK, but now this model is holding this position. The special introduce in this model is the sharper design and greater efficiency. The capacity of the battery used is 52 kWh which provides you a 200 miles of driving range. The company is providing an 8 years of warranty for the battery from the day of registration.

Price range (from base variant to top variant) £29179-£32870

Driving Range of Renault Zoe is 200 miles.

  1. Vauxhall Corsa-e- This is also a popular electric vehicle with a reasonable price. With respect to the best feature, the battery of this car is so efficient that it will be charged up-to 80% within 30 minutes in a public charging station. This car will speed up to 60 mph within 7.6-7.8 seconds. A 45 kWh battery is been used with an efficiency of 164Wh/km. The top speed can achieved 150 km/h.

Price range (from base variant to top variant) £30610-£34160

Driving Range of Vauxhall Corsa-e is 200 miles.

  1. Nissan Leaf- This is so amazing car with an instant acceleration, nimble handling and incredible driving range. You will get a warranty of 96 months or 100000 mile on the battery from the day of registration. The battery of this car, fully charged within 4-8 hours in a level 2 charging station. The key features of this car are key less entry, automatic climate control, push-button start and advanced navigation system etc. This is a worth buying EV because of its reliability and affordability.

Price range (from base variant to top variant) £31145-£39525

Driving Range of Nissan Leaf is 180 miles.

  1. Hyundai Ioniq– Hyundai Ioniq expected to launch end of this year. The ioniq will rival Tata Safari, Hyundai Creta and Kia Seltos. The specification, value for money and driving range of this car has been somewhat eclipsed by the newer rivals. The overall design of Hyundai Ioniq is drawn from the Hyundai 45 concept. Hyundai Ioniq gets excellent fuel economy estimates. The replacement cost the battery will goes up-to $222-$238. 38.3 kWh Lithium ion battery used in this car. It will fully charge within 6-7 hours.

Price range (from base variant to top variant) £32950-£34950

Driving Range of Hyundai Ioniq is 130 miles.

  1. BMW i3- This car is coming with high-roof hatchback and with an electric powertrain using rear wheel drive via a single speed transmission. 42.2 kWh battery is used in this car which will give you a 180 miles of driving range. This car accelerated to 0-60 mph within 7.2 seconds.

Price range (from base variant to top variant) £35350-£39840

Driving Range of BMW i3 is 180 miles.

  1. Kia e-Niro- This is great family car that happens to be electric. The driving comfort is better than many petrol cars. Li-ion battery is used in this car with 64 kWh powered. With a high driving range, compact cross-over style body and its relatively affordable makes it highly demandable car.

Price of Kia e-Niro is £36495

Driving Range of Kia e-Niro is 250 miles.

Basic comparison between the cheapest electric cars:

Now I will summarised these topic. As I discussed top 10 EV’s with their several information. Now based on the price and driving range Peugeot e-208 will be the best among all.

cheapest electric car

From the graph it is clear that in this price range 2-3 cars are there but while considering driving range, then Peuget e-208 is showing the best. Though Kia e-Niro is best on the basis driving range but it is too costly among the all competitors.

Here is all the details from my side. I have tried to give the information on this topic. I think it will be helpful for you all.

uHoo Air Quality Monitor | Smart Indoor Air Quality Sensor 2021

uHoo Air Quality Monitor Review:

Day by day quality of environment air is deteriorating because of civilization, deforestation, industrialization and of so many reasons. Density of foreign particle and concentration of harmful gases also increases in air. So, it is now necessary to intake pure air. Good quality of air will help to retain our health. Because of so many factors, you can’t maintain the quality of air without an air purifier.

Don’t worry, uHoo Bills introduced an advanced air purifier. Purifiers not clean the air but also give several data like carbon dioxide level, nitrogen dioxide level and those data can easily accessible through mobile app. This uHoo Air Quality sensor can suggest, how to improve the environment inside the home, office or anywhere you set up the sensor.

In this article I will explain from the beginning to end use with details of uHoo Air Quality Monitor.

Why Health of inhouse air quality is important?

From the statistical data, it is reveled that 3.8 million people die per year from illness attributable to the inside air pollution caused by the inefficient daily use of solid fuels and kerosene for cooking. You will surprised by knowing that among 3.8 millions deaths worldwide: 27% death from pneumonia,18% due to stroke, 27% due to ischemic heart disease, 20% from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and 8% cause of lung cancer.

If you are looking for details on The Torshn Puzzle : Click here

Why will you buy uHoo air quality monitor:

  • The world’s most advanced air quality monitor With a fresh air, you can breathe freely. This device provides a complete comprehensive analysis by measuring room temperature, humidity, carbon di oxide, nitrogen di oxide, ozone level, dust particle, air pressure, toxins etc. and so on.
  • Intake fresh air Peoples are suffering from asthma, allergies and bad sleeping quality because of indoor air is not clean. Don’t allow impurities to impact in your health. uHoo always connected through mobile app to give tips to achieve the safest atmosphere in your house.
  • Smart and seamless- Breathe with a clean and pure air is now possible. This device can work with Nest, Amazon, Alexa. You can record all the data as you wish.
  • Continuous connection- Once you plug in this device and connected through Wi-Fi, then you will start receive all the data from 9 precisely calibrated sensors. To get these data, you need only a continuous internet connection and a smart phone or tablet with operating system of iOS or android 4.3 or higher version.
  • Warranty and customer support- uHoo provides a one year warrant of this product and a good customer service is available to assist you.

How to install uHoo Air Quality Monitor:

It is so simple process to install uHoo air quality monitor. First you need to plug in the device. Then install the uHoo app from Google play store. Then create an account and connect with the uHoo Air Quality Monitor.

To download this app from Google play store – Click Here

uHoo air quality monitor can read nine different areas through individual sensors for:

  • Temperature
  • Humidity
  • Air pressure
  • Carbon dioxide
  • TVOC
  • PM2.5 (fine particles)
  • Carbon Monoxide
  • Nitrogen Dioxide
  • Ozone

You can get reading anytime you want. An alarm can be set in uHoo air quality monitor, if the limits would go out of spec. In day time, all specs are OK. But at night or if you cook in a closed room, due to increase in CO2 level, this can show in your mobile app. After opening the window, those levels then go down immediately.

How the uHoo Virus Index works:

The uHoo virus uses air quality data to provide you with effective insights and tips to reduce your risk of the virus. It presents easy-to-understand scores from 1 to 10.

1 to 3: That’s means, virus survival is less and the virus spreading in the air is unlikely.

4 to 6: Virus survival is moderate and the virus that spreads to the air is possible, but air quality has almost no direct health risk to people who are not normally susceptible to air pollution. Sensitive people can experience health effects. More attention should be paid to air quality and measures to improve air quality are recommended.

7 to 8: Virus survival is prolonged and the chances to the virus spreading in the air are higher. Air quality poses some health risks. A critical assessment of your air quality is necessary and action to improve air quality is required.

9 to 10: Viral survival is high and the virus that spreads to the air is likely. Air quality would affect most people and measures to improve air quality are necessary.

Key advantages of uHoo air quality monitor you need to know:

You can keep your family safe with the most advanced air quality sensors. Monitoring nine air quality factors that affect health and well-being, with real time insight, virus index and smart home integration.

Simple and easy- Get alerts, tips and insights on how to control your air quality. All the information you can find in a nice interface that everyone in the family can understand.

Designed for any space- Make each room’s celling healthy with style. With its striking design, uHoo blends seamlessly into any space and adds a modern touch wherever it is placed.

See the air you breathe- wondering why you did not sleep well at night? Or why do you always seem to get allergies in laundry? No need to guess when you see exactly what you are breathing with uHoo.

Improve overall health and well-being- By knowing exactly what’s in the air, you can create the perfect environment for a healthier lifestyle.

Stop and smell the roses- With all the information at your fingertips, you can optimize air quality and avoid allergies for more productive and fun time with your family.

Sleep tightly in every night- Stay comfortable under the sheets and let uHoo maximize temperature, humidity and fresh air so you can wake up rested and energized.

No choice aches and pains- Several factors in the air can cause headaches and soreness. By simply observing and optimizing it, you can avoid pain and feel better.

Stay sharp and focused- Keep track of CO2 and keep it at a safe minimum so you can maximize focus and productivity and stay on top every day.

Breathe in and breathe easy- Let us enjoy the place by knowing indoor air quality which is optimized for the health, safety and well-being household items.

Its fully automatic- After connecting with uHoo, work with your other home appliances for a concerted approach to clear, healthier air, without having to think of it.

Technical Specifications of uHoo air quality monitor:

Key Specification-

Security- 128-bit AES end-to-end encryption

Processor- 32-bit ARM based

User interfaces- Native iOS and Android apps

Certification- FCC, CE, PSE, TELEC, NTC, KC, REACH, RoHS

Power Consumption- 900mW (normal operation) and 1.5 W (data transmission).

Body material- ABS thermoplastic polymer

Base material- Silicone rubber with stainless steel insert.

Status indicator- RGB LED.

Operating temperature- -10°C to 50°C

Operating Humidity- 0% to 100% non-condensing.


Dimensions- height 161 mm and diameter 85 mm.

Weight- 270gm

Shipping Size- 25*12.5*8.2 cm

Shipping weight- 0.75 kg


Wi-Fi network- 802.11 b/g/n @2.4 GHz with WPA2-Personal security.

Dedicated 5GHz Wi-Fi network and Enterprise security not supported.

Power supply- 5V/2A USB adapter and cable (provided by uHoo)

Interface- Smartphone or tablet (iOS 11 or android 4.2 and above)

Software- Free uHoo mobile app, free uHoo account.

In the box-

Each box comes nearly packed with the following items-

uHoo unit, Micro USB cable, Country-specific power adapter

Shipment to Australia and New Zealand will receive UK adapters.

Price of uHoo Air Quality Monitor-

Compared to other air monitors, uHoo air quality monitor is slightly costly. You have to pay $329 for this device. The app and monitoring are free. Cost of uHoo is a bit higher than the $89 Awair Glow and the $199 Awair second edition. But with nine details that uHoo promises its reading, that’s more than either offer.

The Torshn Puzzle | Developed Brain Health | Problem Solving Ability-2021

The Torshn Puzzle Review:

Puzzles are generally help to exercise the both left and right of our brain simultaneously. It’s like a mental workout which improves problem-solving ability and attention span. Solving puzzles actually reinforces connections between our brain cells, improve mind speed and it’s really helps to improve short-term memory. You will be surprised by knowing that Bill Gates is an avid puzzler!

It will be difficult challenge for you to solve the Torshn puzzle. If you keep the Torshn Puzzle to your desk, shelf or living room table, it will give a magical addition. The Torshn puzzle is a simple challenge but requires undivided attention. The company has found that playing with the Torshn puzzle allows people to reduce stress and increase our productivity in other aspects of life. It stimulates but still lightens human minds at the same time.

Like the Rubik’s Cube and the original globular puzzle, the Torshn puzzle is complex enough to be fun after many solutions. However, it is simple enough that it is accessible. You do not have to discover or memorize a lot of fancy algorithms to solve the Torshn puzzle, but it certainly helps if you do.

As a three-dimensional challenge, this puzzle contributes to the development of broader perceptions to solve problems. It requires local awareness and memory, as not all areas are visible at the same time. Playing with the puzzle develops finger-eye coordination and requires dexterity to position the balls efficiently. Perhaps most importantly, patience and perseverance are also necessary because it is harder than it looks!

The Torshn Puzzle Material used:

It’s made with a good quality of material and excellent finishing. Industrial grade Anodized Aluminium is used to made The Torshn Puzzle. To make it matte finish sandblasting process applied. Glass marbles are multi coated.

If you are looking for Best Sleeping Eye Mask Developed by Ostrich Pillow : Click Here

It’s not easy to solve. The tricks behind the success:

To solve the puzzle the objective is so simple. You have to follow some methods. Align the different colors to each other by sliding the marbles and twisting the halves. Solving the puzzle may initially seem straightforward, but you’ll quickly find that it’s trickier than it looks!

#step 1: The Torshn Puzzle is scrambled. Marble colors are mixed and you need to match them.

#step 2: Use a combination of twisting the puzzle halves and sliding the marbles to align the colors together.

#step 3: The colors will be arranged as blue, green, red then yellow all sitting next to each other. Yes. By this way you will successes to complete this.

The Torshn Puzzles colors available:

Company will launch this Puzzle with two colors: Space Gray and Natural Silver.

Key advantages over using The Torshn Puzzle:

Improve brain health: As much as you play this game, it will help to reinforce brain cell connections. Increase mental speed. Improve memory capacity. Easily work on problem solving. Improve your visual awareness.

Boost productivity: Take time to slow down and focus on a single objective. Clear your mind from the stress and multi-tasking of a busy work day.

Beautiful desk art: The Torshn Puzzle is a conversion starter that will elevate any space. It’s small enough to fit on your desk, but unique enough to make a statement.

Re-playability: The Torshn Puzzle provides endless fun for everyone. It will have you pulling out hairs and jumping with joy. Challenge yourself and others to find new ways to solve it.

It’s for everyone: Fun for the whole family adults, kids, grandparents have all enjoyed and benefitted from this Puzzle.

The Torshn Puzzle Price:

It’s not too much costly. If wish to buy this product, then you have to pay only $39. Take the advantage of Early Bird pricing. With this discount, this Puzzle is priced less than a dinner for two.

This is all about Torshn Puzzle. You can go for it to get these above disadvantages. Thank you.

Best Ergonomic Sleeping Eye Mask Developed by Ostrich Pillow – 2021

Sleeping Eye Mask by Ostrich Pillow Review:

Darkness is required for deep sleep because it associate with our brain, it may be possible to use a mask to muffle the “noise” like stress, anxiety, tension etc. in the brain that keeps us awake at night. Light is an important part of hygiene during sleep as it stops the production of melatonin, the hormone that regulates sleep patterns. Peoples required a sleep face mask because of suffering from insomnia, people who have to work in night and sleep during the day, and also for them who are sick or staying in a place where they are not familiar.

To overcome those problems, Ostrich Pillow introduce Sleeping Eye Mask with a 3D ergonomic eye mask. Its design adapts to the three-dimensional characteristics of the face. Its design will help to fit perfectly in all head sizes and face types and provides a 100% blackout experience for total comfort.

Key advantages to use Sleeping Eye Mask:

  1. Eye masks are cheaper than blackout curtains.
  2. Eye masks really improve our sleep quality.
  3. It sometimes helps our insomnia.
  4. Using Eye mask is safer than medication or alcohol.
  5. Eye mask might help prevent dry eyes.
  6. It can be good for our skin.

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Sleeping Eye Mask Features:

6 Layers Eye Mask give you ultimate comfort:

The design of this eye mask is very unique. Company pay their attention to make it perfect from every corner. Based on the material, design, and comfort it is so useful.  This eye mask is composed with 6 different layers of high quality materials that ensures maximum comfort and effectiveness. A perfect balance on the thickness is required so that it can cover the eye portion with uniform pressure. The balanced combination of thickness, density and softness creates a pleasant, skin friendly and breath taking experience. This is reusable product. This is 100% washable in washing machine, so it feels like new – night after night.

Eye Mask creates null pressure:

This Eye mask is designed in such a way that it’s creates a cavity, which allow you to open your eyes while wearing it. You will be experiencing a full of darkness without any pressure on your eyelids. It is so essential during our sleep.

Accurately fit this eye mask to your face:

Face shape and face size is different for all. So, ostrich pillow designed eye mask by keep in mind of all face types and head sizes, so that it will fit perfectly to everyone face without cause any effect.

The company identify all the common problems related to eye masks available in the market. They find out that these masks are all flat. So, they can’t cover our face correctly to the three dimensional feature to the face. These masks are not only comfortable, light passes through this eye mask, put pressure on the eyes and also cause a breathing trouble by pressing the nose.

When and where you can use Eye Mask:

This eye masks are so useful. Now I will explain when and where you use this eye mask. You can take rest in all position with total blockage and perfect comfort.

Eye mask can carry with you wherever you are going and keep it to its protective pouch.

Block all incoming light to disconnect and recharge during whole the day.

Get total concentration while keeping your eyes open with zero pressure.

Sleeping Eye Mask colors available:

Now Ostrich Pillow, the eye mask manufacturer introduce the Eye mask with two different colors – Midnight Grey and Dark Night.

Sleeping Eye Mask Specification:

Dimensions- The dimension of this product is 300X85X30 cm / 11.8X3.4X1.1 inch

Weight- It is very light weight to 30 gm / 1 oz

Material composition- The mask is made with Foam, Breathable modal fabric, Premium hook & loop closure.

Sleeping Eye mask prices:

Now company giving offer on add-ons. It will be benefited for you, if you purchase in bulk.

The following price list available for the sleeping eye mask-

  1. Early Bird: 1 Eye mask + 1 Pair Reusable silicone earplugs (free) + limited edition Kickstarter pouch (free) will cost $29
  2. Duo Pack: 2 Eye masks + 2 Pair Reusable silicone earplugs (free) + limited edition Kickstarter pouch (free) will cost $54
  3. Trio Pack: 3 Eye mask + 3 Pair Reusable silicone earplugs (free) + limited edition Kickstarter pouch (free) will cost $73

This is all about this product. If you have sleep problems, planning for overnight travel or etc. you can definitely use this mask for your continue and comfortable sleep. Thank you.